Products meeting the search criteria
Martially Marked Starr 1858 Navy - VERY SCARCE
The Starr M-1858 “Navy” percussion revolver is a rarely encountered percussion pistol from the Ameri..
Mass Arms .36 Adams Revolver - VERY FINE
The story of the Adams Patent Revolvers as produced by the Massachusetts Arms Company is a very inte..
Nazi Army Dagger by Eickhorn - Very Fine
This is a VERY FINE example of the Nazi Army Officer’s Dress Dagger as approved for wear by all of t..
North-Savage Figure-8 Revolver - VERY SCARCE
This is an extremely rare example of the North-Savage 2nd Model Figure 8 percussion revolver. This ..
PS Justice Socket Bayonet - Very Scarce
This is a scarce and very desirable socket bayonet for use with the PS Justice contract .69 rifled m..
Rare Colt Model 1851 "Navy-Navy" Contract Revolver with a Very Nicely Inspected Grip
The mid-1850s was a revolutionary time for small arms development around the world, and the United S..
Remington "Old Model" 1861 Navy Revolver - Very Fine
In 1857, the firm of E. Remington & Sons of introduced their first percussion revolver. Since th..
Russian M1845 Musket - Very Rare
Of all European percussion military long arms from the mid-19th century, those from Russia are some ..
Scarce Dreyse & Collenbusch Needle Fire Pistol - Very Fine+
Johann Nikolaus Dreyse (later Nikolaus von Dreyse) was born in Sömmerda, a town in the German state ..
Sharps M-1851 Sporting Rifle - Very Scarce
In November of 1852 the production of the “slant breech” series of Sharps rifles and carbines began...
Sharps M-1855 Navy Rifle - Very Scarce
This is a GOOD+ to NEAR VERY GOOD condition example of the Sharps Model 1855 Military Rifle. Only 25..
Smith & Wesson 320 Revolving Rifle - Very Rare
In 1879 Smith & Wesson undertook to manufacture what would become one of the least often encountered..