Products meeting the search criteria
This is a very nice example of an early State of Maryland marked US 1798 Contract Soc..
This is a VERY FINE condition example of what is technically the US Model 1827 Socket Bayo..
This is solid example of a rather scarce US socket bayonet. The US Model 1851 Cadet Musket Socket Ba..
This is a GOOD to NEAR VERY GOOD condition example of the US Model 1860 Spencer Repea..
Offered here is a solid example of the Prussian Model 1862 Socket Bayonet for the Dre..
This is a scarce and very desirable socket bayonet for use with the PS Justice contract .69 rifled m..
This is a FINE condition example of the US M1835 socket bayonet. This pattern of socket ba..
This is a very scarce sighted socket bayonet from the American Civil War era. For years the bayonet ..
This is a FINE condition example of the scarce 1st Pattern Spencer Rifle Socket ..
This is a scarce example of the longest of the French socket bayonets to have ever been adopted by t..
Offered here is a scarce example of a Model 1841 Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar Socket Bayonet. The..
This is a scarce variant of the US Model 1816 pattern socket bayonet, one that includes an added loc..