Products meeting the search criteria
Unaltered Whitney Contract US Model 1841 Mississippi Rifle
This is an about VERY GOOD, unaltered example of a US M1841 Mississippi Rifle.&n..
Union Cased Ninth Plate Ambrotype of a Union Solider with a Pepperbox
This is a lovely ninth plate ambrotype of an enlisted Union soldier who is proudly displaying his me..
Unmarked Pennsylvania Style Rifle Musket
This is an enigmatic rifle musket that it has taken me some time to figure out exactly what it is, a..
Unopened Packet of 10 Burnside Carbine Cartridges
This is a VERY FINE condition original packet of 10 Burnside Carbine Cartridges, complete ..
Untouched Attic Condition Late Production Colt Baby Dragoon
The Colt Pocket Model of 1848, known affectionately to collectors as the Baby Dragoon ..
Untouched Attic Pattern 1853 Enfield by Potts & Hunt
The Pattern 1853 “Enfield” Rifle Musket is often noted as being the second most used long arm on bot..
Untouched Confederate Fayetteville Rifle Socket Bayonet
This is a VERY GOOD Attic Condition untouched example of the angular socket bayonet p..
Untouched Dug Confederate Frame Buckle
This is a very attractive and untouched dug example of a Standard Confederate Frame Buckle, one..
Untouched US Model 1816 Pistol in Original Flint
The Simeon North produced US Model 1816 Army Contract Flintlock Pistol was the first US ma..
Untouched US Navy Cartridge Altered Colt Model 1851 "Navy-Navy" Revolver
The mid-1850s was a revolutionary time for small arms development around the world, and the United S..
US 1855 Pattern Saber Bayonet for Harpers Ferry Altered M1841 "Mississippi" Rifles
The genesis of what would become the US Model 1855 Saber Bayonet began sometime in 1854, when the US..
US Colt Alteration Mississippi Rifle Saber Bayonet & Scabbard
This is a VERY FINE example of the saber bayonet and scabbard adapter for the US M-1841 Mississippi ..